Friday, October 30, 2009

My Birthday on 30th Oct 2009

Yesterday was my Birthday, a most memorable one so far!

Every year since i was born, I celebrate my Birthday with my mother. Usually she will buy a cake & eat outside. After I went to Singapore, I celebrate my birthday with my boyfriend since last year.

Last year he only bought me a "ji dan gao" and put a candle on top & i received my present SE910i very late about Dec... It was quite silly, I think nobody spent birthday like that... But still I was very happy...

When come to this year, i mean yesterday... Morning when i wake up, I hv maggie mee for breakfast, go to work with a no mood on the bus because I am still thinking of the incident happen on the bus on the day before. My bf gave me a birthday greeting makes me feel better.

Yesterday was a rainy day & i have no choice but eat inside office with my blackface collegue... My bf called & told me he was unable to hv dinner with me as his mom cooked dinner for him.

I ate dinner alone, and that feeling sucks! I hate being alone, some more when that day is my birthday! Going to night class & looked up to the sky, it is going to rain... again...

I really hate raining, it spoils my mood a lot... After class, I went home alone, walking on the street, the floor was wet and the water keeps getting in my shoes, it feels terrible... that's 1 of the reason why i hate raining... On the way home when i was on the bus, i feel really terrible... My birthday is going to end, just like that? Not even blowing a candle or what...

Then was the best thing ever happens, my bf waiting for me, prepare a whole pc abalone which was a palm size big, a nice cheese cake from bengawan solo, bird nest and a yr 94 red wine! That was fantastic! I would never even dream of that! I really felt blessed having a bf like that!


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sie Kei Alive in My Dream (21/10/09)

I attend my night class as usual...
Who is that? Is C Kei! Sitting there quietly... What happen? 2 years already & now you are here? Where have you been?
My friend told me ,"she was saved by a man"
Class ended...
We took the lift to the Ground floor & walk out from the school building... She took the metal box on the floor then run towards a guy sitting on a motorcycle (looks old & messy) & both of them went away...
I was blurred... What happen? Who is that guy? Her father or who? "Her husband" My friend said. "She is paying back his favour by saving her from drowning"
It's really weird that I saw an illustration that C Kei was stuck down at the bottom of the sea, tighten by some rope or wat... Then this old man dive down & saved her...
Then I woke up... Keep thinking this was real... Then think again... No, this was a dream! How come it feels so real?
Everytime I dream about her I felt so REAL! & she will not said even a word in my dream... What is going wrong with me?